Biceps Workout

The bicep muscle is responsible for raising your arm up and down. This exercises helps build strength in your muscles and increases the size of your arms.💪

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1. Barbell Curls

The barbell curl is the best exercise for your upper arms. You can do them standing or lying down, but we recommend that you do them standing up for this video. Stand holding a dumbbell straight over your head while keeping your back naturally arched. Your forearm should form a 90-degree angle with your body, allowing your elbow to bend at a right angle as well. Curl the weight up high towards your shoulder as if you were going to throw it behind you. Squeeze your pecs hard as you lift the weight up until your arm is fully extended overhead. Lower the weight slowly back down to starting position. Do 10 reps and then keep the weight in the air for 30 seconds. Rest for 2 minutes before repeating the same sequence. If you find yourself struggling to complete a set, try adding 1 inch to each side of the height of the dumbbell. This way you’ll have to work harder without losing intensity.

2. Cable Rows

Cable rows are great for building muscle size and mass in the upper body. They target the pectoralis major (pecs) and triceps brachii muscles. To perform cable rows, grab a pair of adjustable cables attached to a pulley system. Start by standing upright with your feet hip width apart. Bend forward at the hips and grasp the handles of the cable with an overhand grip. Lean slightly forward from your waist. Allow your elbows to hang directly below your shoulders and keep your torso straight. Inhale deeply through your nose as you push your chest forward toward the handles of the cables. Exhaling forcefully through pursed lips should help move your ribcage toward the handles of the cable. Keep the tension on the cable throughout the entire movement. Slowly return to the starting position in order to complete one rep. Perform 8-12 repetitions total.

3. Dumbbell Bench Press

  The bench press is an excellent exercise for targeting the pectorals, deltoids, and triceps. Lay flat on a bench and hold a dumbbell in both hands using an underhand grip. Position your feet firmly on the floor. Hold your arms outstretched above your head, palms facing down. Brace your core and engage your glutes as you lower the dumbbell to your chest. Explosively raise the dumbbell back up to starting position using a forceful push off the bench. Complete 5 sets of 12 repetitions.

 4. Bicep Curl

The bicep curl is one of the best exercises for building muscle mass in your arms. This exercise targets the triceps brachii muscles, which are located at the back of the upper arm. To perform this exercise correctly, stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Your hands should be placed slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Bend forward from the waist until your elbows reach below parallel to the floor. Keep your core engaged throughout the movement. Pause briefly at the top position before returning to the starting position. Repeat the set three times.

5.incline dumbbell curl

This exercise focuses on building muscle mass through eccentric training. When you perform this exercise, your body will move slower than normal movement speed but will require less force to execute the movement. This type of exercise causes slow-twitch fibers to become stronger than fast-twitch fibers. Slow-twitch fibers are responsible for endurance and power production while fast twitch fibers are responsible for speed and agility. Therefore, if you want to build muscle mass and gain strength, performing exercises like the incline dumbbell curl would be beneficial.

 6. Barbell curl

  barbell curls are great for building muscle size. They work your entire body including your arms, chest, back, shoulders and core. You can use either a wide grip or narrow grip barbell. If you have a wide grip barbell, hold it at shoulder width. Keep your elbows tucked in close to your sides and make sure that your wrists are aligned directly over your knees. Your palms should face each other. Now press the barbell straight down towards the floor while simultaneously raising your torso upwards. Once the barbell reaches its highest point, slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position. This movement will target your upper back muscles. Do this exercise 20 times.

7 .The overhead press

 The overhead press is a great exercise that can help build muscle mass while working out. This exercise requires two people, one who does the work and the other who holds the weight. The person doing the work should stand behind the person holding the weight and grab the bar above their head. Then, they should slowly lower the weight until it touches their chest. Once the weight reaches their chest, the person doing the work should push the weight back up to its original position. They should repeat this movement about 10 times.

8.Pull ups 

Pull ups are a great way to build upper body strength and endurance. They can be done anywhere at any time. If you have never tried them before, start off slow and work your way up. You can do pull-ups using a chinup bar, door frame, tree branch, or even a chair.
Once you get comfortable doing regular pull ups, try adding weight to challenge yourself. A weighted vest is a good option if you don't want to invest in a full set of dumbbells.
Try performing pull ups while holding a kettle bell or dumbbells. This will help increase your core stability and overall strength.

9.Bench Press

The bench press is a great exercise to develop your pectoralis major muscle group. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and grasp a barbell with both hands. Lower the weight toward your chest until your arms are completely extended. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and push yourself upward. Be sure to keep your elbows locked throughout the entire movement.

10 .push up

The push-up is a simple yet effective exercise that can improve your overall fitness level. To perform this exercise correctly, start by standing straight with your feet shoulder width apart and arms at your sides. Next, lower yourself down until your chest touches the floor. Once in position, raise yourself back up to the starting position, repeating the movement. Perform three sets of ten repetitions before moving onto the next move.

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